Abstract submission guidelines

Submission of Abstracts is now CLOSED!

Submission system

Abstract template

Abstract submission categories

For each of the following categories, we encourage you to submit abstracts from both research and practice areas.
  • Pressure ulcers: Patient safety, quality of care and policy
  • Pressure ulcers and health economics
  • Pressure ulcers: Implementation of science and education
  • Patient involvement in pressure ulcer practice, research, guideline development
  • Impact of pressure ulcers on patients, carers and society
  • Innovative approaches in clinical research (prevention and treatment)
  • Pressure ulcer prevention and management in specialist care settings and populations
  • Basic science: Biomechanics, mechanobiology and aetiology
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Pressure ulcer prevention and management within the homecare setting
  • Technologies to promote wound healing
  • The multidisciplinary approach to pressure ulcer prevention
  • Special interventions in the seating (wheel chair bound and spinal cord injured people)
  • Student free paper session: Basic science
  • Student free paper session: Clinical science
  • Service users abstracts: 
    It’s become more common for service users and carers to be involved in the management and conduct of research. This is often known as Patient and Public Involvement (PPI). In recognition of this valuable contribution, we are offering a limited number of free conference places for service users and carers, who are involved in research. If you have collaborated with service users / carers during your research, and would like to apply for a free place, please let us know.

Please follow the guidelines below while submitting:

  • The abstract word limit is maximum 420 words per abstract. 
  • The title should not exceed 200 characters including spaces.
  • The use of the abstract template is mandatory.
  • No identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the text (word file) of the abstract, as a “blind” review process will be used. You will be asked to enter the name(s) of the author(s) and their institution(s) when submitting the abstract in the abstract submission system. Please follow the instructions in the online submission system.
  • Please limit the number of authors to no more than 5, and indicate the affiliation of each author. Do not use titles (e.g. ‘Dr.’, ‘Mrs.’) for author names. Do not write the name/lastname or the title in capital letters.
  • Max. 2 tables/figures
  • Max. 4 abstracts with the same presenting author can be submitted.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Use of brand names: For all references to products or companies, only generic names must be used. The brand name can be inserted as a reference at the bottom of the abstract page. Papers containing brand names/company names in the abstract text (i.e. not in a reference at the bottom of the page) may be rejected for this reason only. EPUAP reserves the right to replace any brand name with a generic name without further notice.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website and in the electronic conference abstract book. By submitting your abstract you consent to give EPUAP the permission to publish it.
  • If you are submitting an abstract for the student free paper category, please provide us by email with a formal confirmation of studentship status (e.g. letter from the supervisor or institutional approval) which specifies the degree towards which your studies are carried out.

LOGIN: Log in to the conference system using this link. You will be asked to enter your e-mail, name, affiliation and contact details to create a profile. If you have attended previous EPUAP events, your original profile will still be active.

ABSTRACT MODULE: After completing the login, click on Abstracts.
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Choose Submit an abstract if you wish to submit a new abstract, or View my abstracts if you wish to revisit the incomplete abstract submissions or see your already submitted abstracts. Please note that no changes are possible to the submitted abstracts.
TITLE: Enter the abstract title.
PRESENTATION TYPE: Choose the presentation type you prefer: poster presentation, oral presentation, or invited speaker (for the invited speakers only). Please note that based on reviewers’ decision another presentation type might be recommended.
Click on Next.
AUTHORS: Add the authors of the abstract. If you are the author, choose I am an author and if relevant add more authors.
Click on Next.
SPEAKER: If you are the presenting author choose I will be the speaker or choose a speaker from the list of authors on Choose a speaker.
Click on Next.
CATEGORY: Choose the category that corresponds to the content of your abstract. Please note that based on reviewers’ decision your abstract can be assigned to another category.
Click on Next.
CONDITIONS: Please answer all questions regarding the publication of your abstract by choosing YES or NO.
Click on Next.
ABSTRACT UPLOAD: Upload your abstract. The system checks if the abstract template was used and if the number of words was not exceeded.
Click on Next.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Please indicate if you have a conflict of interest and explain it if applicable.
Click on Next.
SUMMARY: A summary of your choices and a preview of your abstract will appear. If you wish to change anything, click on BACK.
If you agree with the summary, click on SUBMIT at the bottom of the page. A pop-up window will open asking if you are sure that you wish to submit, then click on SUBMIT again. Please note that your abstract is not submitted until you confirm the submission in the pop-up window and you are directed to www.epuap2021.org 


All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the EPUAP Scientific Committee and you will be informed of the outcome of your application by the abstract review deadline.
All successful applicants will be required to register as a delegate to the conference and pay the registration fee as a condition for inclusion of their abstract in the programme.

The authors of accepted abstracts will have the opportunity either to have an oral presentation of their abstracts in free paper sessions or to exhibit their printed poster during the conference and present it to the delegates.
At the conference dinner, the best poster award and the best student free paper award will be announced.